Ted Williams
- Milton’s Way
Milton’s search for his identity — from 17-40 — mirrors the American urban gay experience of 1970s and 80s.
Two-Act: unit set
7M: 1 teen, 2 20s, 4 30-40s
1F: 50-60
- And Moran Makes 3
Three one-act plays which chronicle a gay couple, Matthew and Charles, negotiating the struggles of establishing a relationship, growing apart, and death; all of which their love survives.
Three-Act: one set
- The Wisdom of Age
The situation of Spencer’s sudden death, and the young lover who survives him, provoke three friends to evaluate their lives, dreams, and relationships.
One-Act: one set
4M: 23, three in 50s
- Measure My Measure
Shakespeare’s exploration of hypocrisy reflects the hypocrisy of the Bush Administration. A young man must choose between his virture and his brother’s life. A modern day farce utilizing faux Shakespearean language.
One-Act: one set
2M: 22, 30-40s (one can be any sex)